Mar 25, 20193 min read
How the US interfered in Russia's elections and helped Yeltsin get reelected
While the issue of Russian meddling in US elections is hysterically debated on almost all the news channels 24/7, almost no one ever...
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Mar 20, 20194 min read
How Bush senior and junior lied about Saddam to justify illegal wars against Iraq.
Like father like son. Both Bush senior in 1990 and Bush junior on 2003 used lies to justify their war against Iraq and Saddam Hussein....
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Mar 6, 20192 min read
UN condemns Macron over brutality against Yellow Vests protests.
It looks like the UN didn't get the memo about how you're not suppose to criticise Macron, no matter how many protesters he beats,...
700 views0 comments
Mar 5, 20193 min read
Trudeau In Trouble As Justice Minister Calls Out His Corruption And Authoritarianism.
Canada's PM, Justin Trudeau, is in a world of trouble after his own justice minister became a whistle blower and exposed his corruption...
691 views0 comments
Mar 4, 20195 min read
Germany's Unknown Namibian Holocaust.
The Nazi Holocaust which killed 6-million Jews and up to 15-million people in total during the Second World War, was not the first...
1,890 views0 comments
Mar 3, 20192 min read
WATCH - the media won't air these videos exposing the Macron regime brutality.
These videos of the Macron regime brutality against French protesters you won't see on CNN, BBC and mainstream media. Yesterday's Yellow...
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