Sep 28, 20163 min read
The truth about Shimon Peres, and no, he wasn't a "dovish peacemaker".
Simon Peres was an Israeli defense minister, foreign minister, prime minister, president and occupied a host of other jobs and offices in...
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Sep 14, 20161 min read
The real reason why the US gives Israel $3.8 billion a year as military "aid".
The Obama administration has agreed to a military aid package for Israel worth $38bn over the next 10 years, a huge increase from the...
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Aug 4, 20162 min read
Media outraged over a one off $400 million US payment to Iran, while ignoring $3.1 billion US annual
The world and US main stream media (MSM) have been going bonkers over the one off $400 million payment the US gave to Iran. True it was...
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Jul 22, 20162 min read
The most brutal Palestinian terrorists were Zionist Jews and not Palestinian Arabs.
The bombing of the King David Hotel was as shocking to contemporaries in 1946 as the destruction of the World Trade Center in 2001. ...
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Jun 9, 20162 min read
Palestinian terror is fueled by the Israeli occupation, and not by Islam.
Israeli propaganda tries to paint Palestinians acts of terror as being motivated by religious motives, while the facts are that they are...
1,014 views0 comments
May 25, 20161 min read
Avigdor Liberman, Israel's new defence minister, is terrifying.
Meet Israel's new defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, a Russian gangster that wants to bomb neighboring Arab countries and behead Israeli...
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May 21, 20160 min read
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May 12, 20162 min read
Israel's independence is the Palestinian's catastrophe.
What is called "independenc day" in Israel, is lamented as the "Nakba" day (the catastrophe) among the Palestinians who were ethnically...
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May 5, 20161 min read
Israel is the most anti semitic country on the face of the planet.
NEWSFLASH - Semites are Arabs too, so every time Israeli politicians blame ANYONE for being an anti semite, they reveal themselves of...
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May 1, 20161 min read
Obama criticizes Israel while handing it $40 billion.
The Obama administration has proposed an unprecedented military funding package to Israel that could top $40 billion over 10 years. It...
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