Jun 9, 20162 min read
Palestinian terror is fueled by the Israeli occupation, and not by Islam.
Israeli propaganda tries to paint Palestinians acts of terror as being motivated by religious motives, while the facts are that they are...
1,015 views0 comments
Jun 5, 20161 min read
Hillary is a gung ho warmongerer, and Libya and Iraq are the proof.
When it comes to attacking, bombing the shit and utterly destroying countries based on zero evidence, justification or provocation, you...
57 views0 comments
May 29, 20163 min read
How the conquest of Constantinople changed the course of history.
On may 29 1453, the Ottoman cannons finally broke through of Constantinople's Theodosian walls and Sultan Mehmed the second Ottoman...
5,444 views0 comments
May 25, 20161 min read
Avigdor Liberman, Israel's new defence minister, is terrifying.
Meet Israel's new defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, a Russian gangster that wants to bomb neighboring Arab countries and behead Israeli...
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May 21, 20160 min read
58 views0 comments
May 18, 20163 min read
The Gulf States take almost no Syrian refugees, and no one bats an eye.
The rich Gulf states of UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia who bear the most responsibility in formenting the civil war in Syria take...
1,980 views0 comments
May 16, 20162 min read
Sykes–Picot: How UK and France created, and ruined , the modern Middle East.
On may 19, 1916, France and the UK conclude the Sykes-Picot agreement, which in effect partitioned the former provinces of the Ottoman...
488 views0 comments
May 12, 20162 min read
Israel's independence is the Palestinian's catastrophe.
What is called "independenc day" in Israel, is lamented as the "Nakba" day (the catastrophe) among the Palestinians who were ethnically...
628 views0 comments
May 11, 20161 min read
ISIS kills ten times more Muslims than non Muslims in terrorist attacks in 2016.
ISIS attacks in 2016 by states. Libya 60 killed. Turkey 16 killed. Indonesia 4 killed. Saudi Arabia 4 killed. Syria 140 killed. ...
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