People's Organs republic of China
Updated: Jan 6, 2021

The Chinese government continues to illegally harvest organs from millions of its innocent prisoners despite saying it had ended the practice five years ago, an international tribunal has concluded. An independent tribunal sitting in London, "The China Tribunal", comprising of international renowned and acclaimed historians, lawyers, human rights activitst and medical doctors has concluded unequivocally that China is continuing to harvest human beings for their organs. Beijing had pledged to stop using executed and living inmates as a source of organ transplants in 2015, but the tribunal which has been set up to verify claims of organ harvesting in China has stated there was no evidence this practice has stopped, and in fact the evidence they encountered proves that organ harvesting of people in China "is continuing". “The conclusion shows that very many people have died indescribably hideous deaths for no reason, that more may suffer in similar ways and that all of us live on a planet where extreme wickedness may be found in the power of those, for the time being, running a country with one of the oldest civilisations known to modern man.” the tribunal stated today in a special press conference. The tribunal's report stopped short of labelling China's actions a genocide but claimed it was "beyond reasonable doubt" the country was guilty of crimes against humanity. Finally, the tribunal noted that governments and those interacting with the Chinese regime, including doctors, medical establishments, businesses, and educational institutions, “should now recognize that they are, to the extent revealed, interacting with a criminal state.”

Experts estimate between 60,000 and 100,000 organs are transplanted annually, and the majority of the hearts, livers and other organs are obtained by executing prisoners of conscience.
In all, approximately 1.5 million transplants have taken place at 712 liver and kidney transplant centres across China since 2000, with over 300,000 of those taking place at unregulated centres according to a report issued by world leading experts on this matter. The report was researched and authored by former Canadian secretary of state David Kilgour, human rights lawyer David Matas and journalist Ethan Gutmann to expose widespread medical wrong-doing in China. The findings were published in an update to the 2009 book 'Bloody Harvest' and the 2014 book 'The Slaughter'.
The report also found many surgeons had simply “lost count” of the quantity of transplants they had been asked to perform on a daily basis, with some having undertaken as many as six liver removals in one day.
A Chinese doctor, Dr. Enver Tohti, who performed an organ harvesting operation in the 1990s giving testimonybefore Irish lawmakers.
Doctors and medical students working in state-run civilian and military hospitals take up to 11,000 organs a year from donors under no anaesthetic to supply China's lucrative "organs on-demand" transplant program, say a network of invesitgators comprised of international researchers, doctors and human rights lawyers attempting to end the macabre abuses.
A former Chinese hospital worker and a doctor's wife went on record publicly stating that her husband had removed the corneas of 2000 people while they were still alive. Afterwards the bodies were secretly incinerated.
A recent Red Cross report found only 37 people nationwide were registered as organ donors in China and harvesting organs from executed prisoners did not come close to accounting for the more than 10,000 transplant procedures performed every year.
Human Rights Lawyer and nobel peace prize nominee David Matas has gone public stating that living political prisoners make up for the shortfall, with the long-persecuted and banned religious group, the Falun Gong, key targets.
"Somebody's being killed for the organs," human rights lawyer David Matas says. "There's no other way to explain what's happening." Just to be clear, these organs mostly come not from criminals (not that even that would be acceptable in a sane society) but from political dissidents and activists, Uyghurs, Tibetans and mostly from members of the "Falun Gong" movement in China, which is being persecuted by the Chinese authorities. (The article was updated in 17/6/2019)