Turkey's Erdoganist democracy is still better than the non existent EU democracy.

I can never get used to the idea of how the EU, and its unelected leaders, go around criticizing other countries democracies , when the EU's own democratic system is…. Non existent? Take Turkey as an example. In the last Turkish presidential election in 2014, President Erdogan got some 21 million votes. In the last EU presidential elections, President Tusk got no votes, because no one voted for him. Now I'm not saying one should not criticize Erdogan and his AK party authoritarian methods and stances when it comes to Turkey's democracy, what I'm saying is that the EU is the last possible candidate to do that with its non existent democracy. In fact the only countries I can think of that the EU might have the upper moral ground on, when it comes to democracy, is North Korea, China and other despotic regimes, where the leader is also appointed and not elected, exactly as in the EU. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]