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Tony Blair is so sorry about the invasion of Iraq, that he would gladly do it again.

Tony Blair held a special press conference yesterday in order to respond to the Chilcot report, which basically confirmed what everyone with half a brain already knew. Tony Blair dragged the UK into a criminal and illegal invasion of Iraq which was based on half truths, lies, propaganda and unconditional obedience to George Bushe's America. With red eyes, a croaky voice, crocodile tears in his eyes and a stern frown, the former Prime Minster seemed a diminished figure as he stepped up to the podium and said "I express more sorrow, regret and apology and in greater measure than you can ever know or may believe.” But when asked what specifically he was sorry about, he struggled to explain. When pushed on the matter he insisted that he did what he thought was the "right thing" at the time and he still believed Iraq was "better off" without Saddam Hussein, and that he would do it again in a heartbeat. Finally He said: "People want me to apologise for the decision – I cannot do that." Of course he can't he can't apologise for dragging the UK into a criminal and illegal war against Iraq, nor can he apologise for destroying Iraq and plunging it into a never ending sectarian civil war, nor can he apologizes for the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that died because of his decision, of course he can't, because that would be the honest thing to do, and Blair is the personification of a dishonest person. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]


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