How China made the world forget about Tibet.
Updated: Mar 10, 2021

Up until fairly recently, the Chinese conquest of Tibet and it's illegal colonization of Tibetan lands was a hot and trendy topic in the media and among A-list celebrities. But today no one talks about it, or about the suffering of the Tibetan people who have been living under a brutal Chinese occupation for 67 years now. The question is why has everyone forgotten about the occupation of Tibet, while occupation of other countries in the world, like Palestine, is still a very fashionable and "trendy" issue pumped by the media, the UN and western governments? The answer is simple, money, lots of money.

Chinese troops parading in Tibet's occupied capital Lhasa.
China invaded and occupied Tibet in 1950. It is estimated that around 1.2 million Tibetans— over 20% of the country’s pre-occupation population— have died as a result of the Chinese occupation and subsequent repressive policies in Tibet. In 1959 Tibetans launched their uprising against the brutal Chinese Communist occupation of their lands. Chinese troops crushed the uprising after six days and captured back Lhasa, Tibet's capital. Some 87,000 Tibetans were killed, and some 100,000 fled as refugees and the 14th Dalai Lama was forced to leave his home and flee to India. Today, over 3 million Tibetans are living under Chinese occupation in Tibet, and about 150,000 more in exile.

Of course no western government will do anything about Tibet today, they are all afraid of upsetting China and damaging their trade relations with it.
For example, China owns a huge portion of the US foreign debt (almost $1.3 trillion) and US goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $648.2 billion in 2016.
Also, EU-China trade has increased dramatically in recent years. China is the EU's biggest source of imports by far, and has also become one of the EU's fastest growing export markets. The EU has also become China’s biggest source of imports. China and Europe now trade well over €1 billion a day.
Today's the world's economy depends on China and China uses that to silence and remove any memory and trace of Tibet.

President Xi with President Biden.
The Chinese have made everyone in the world understand that if they want to continue to have prosperous relations with China, the subject of Tibet cannot be discussed, or even be mentioned in public.
As a consequence, Tibetans have been reduced to setting themselves on fire to attract ANY media attention to their plight. But even that fails to reach main stream media today, which is totaly ignoring and whitewashing the issue of the occupation of Tibet.
Inside of Tibet, the younger generation has become desperate, and self-immolation has become the desperate protest of choice. Echoing the self-immolation of Buddhist monks in Vietnam, the first such act took place in India in 1998, but the tactic began to spread in earnest in 2011. Since then, 110 Tibetans have burned themselves to death as a sign of protest.

Tibetan exile Janphel Yeshi is engulfed in flames after setting himself on fire during a protest in New Delhi. Today we're seeing the same form of cultural and literal genocide that was and is practiced against Tibetans turned against other minorities who are living in China. The Uyghur population is undergoing the same form of cultural and literal genocide as the Tibetans have in the previous decades, and the Mongolians living in China are already targeted by the CCP and will probably be next on the CCP's ethnic genocide list. The fact that the brutal occupation of Tibet and the subsequent continual suffering of the Tibetan people has been airbrushed from public discourse by western governments and the media in order not to hurt diplomatic and trade relations with China, has emboldened China and shown the CCP that they can get away with anything.