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Media and feminists attack Catherine Deneuve for denouncing #MeToo.

"Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or clumsily, is not - and nor is men being gentlemanly a chauvinist attack." read the letter, entitled: “We defend the freedom to importune, indispensable for sexual freedom.” That letter was signed by Catherine Deneuve and 99 other well known French women including intellectuals, writers, psychoanalysts, academics and journalists. All of them denounced the #metoo movement and the people behind it for creating a “totalitarian” climate that unfairly punishes men for flirting “insistently or clumsily,” infantilizes women and undermines sexual freedom. . In an angry riposte, French feminists described the letter’s signatories as “apologists for rape” and “defenders of paedophiles”. But this did not stop there, as angry feminists took to twitter and orgnaised a lynch mob which went after Deneuve. Here are a few more examples:

Even the Qatari government propaganda channel, AJ+, which doesn't mind when women are being treated as slaves back home in Qatar but likes to lecture western societies on women issues, joined the attack on Deneuve.

And of course "Facts first" CNN did not miss a chance not to report the facts, only its bias, when it posted how: "A collective of 100 French women, including film star Catherine Deneuve, have signed an open letter defending men's "freedom to pester" women." Because that was clearly what the letter was about.

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