Christians are being persecuted in Israel, and no one seems to mind.

Israel, the Anti Defamation League and other Jewish orgs are always screaming about anti Semitic incidents and hate crimes against Jews that happen in Europe the USA or elsewhere in the world.
However when hate crimes and religious persecutions against Christians and members of other faiths happens on a regular basis in Israel, not only do they stay silent, Israeli authorities actually cover them up.
In Jerusalem these days the the slogan "death to Christians" have become a common sight.
On the walls of the Armenian monastery in the Old City a graffiti was sprayed which called for “Death to Christians,” “Death to Arabs,” “Death to Armenians” and “Revenge.”

"Death to Christians"
Priests and nuns regularly complain that they can't walk the streets without being abused assaulted and spat upon.
A few weeks ago the Polish monastery in Jerusalem was vandalized and attacked by a group of Jewish supremacists.
The nuns called the police many times and begged them to show up, the police never did.
The situation even prompted the Polish embassy in Israel to tweet their concern over the repeated attacks on the monastery.

On Jan. 1, more than 30 graves were vandalized at a Protestant Christian cemetery on Mount Zion, just outside the Armenian Quarter.

In other recent incidents, funeral notices were ripped down by Jewish girls passing outside the Armenian convent because they had crosses on them, according to local residents. A Jewish man was caught urinating at the entrance to the convent and Saint James Cathedral. And two different sets of Jewish men spat at Armenian priests while passing by the same evening.
Father Koryoun Baghdasaryan told ALL ISRAEL NEWS that this was the first time the Armenians were singled out.
“This is the reality – and I am not exaggerating – every time I exit my house, whether to go to the market, or to Mamilla Mall, to the Holy Sepulchre, to the pharmacy, I always worry that they will spit on me.
If I spit at them I would be called anti-Semitic and thrown in jail.”
In May of 2021, security cameras caught an unprovoked attack by three religious Jews against Armenian priests near Jaffa Gate. One of the priests was hospitalized.
The media, both in Israel and worldwide, which publishes any hate crime which happens to Jews in the west, completely ignores these blatant pogroms, religious persecutions and hate crimes that happen on a regular basis in Israel.